Monday, November 9, 2009

Reading List

Here are some sites that I find indispensable when researching this controversy:

TalkOrigins Archive
This site, in my opinion, is the single most valuable resource one could have handy when researching this debate. An archive of a still-active usenet group, there is such a wealth of information about nearly every single facet of the evolution/creationism controversy. It’s almost unreal how much information is in the archive; it provides comprehensive evidence for evolution from biological and geologic standpoints, refutes moral, philosophical, and theological attacks on evolution, and has countless articles detailing common creationist misconceptions of evolution. Every post and article on the site is informed by rational, unbiased arguments; clear scientific backing is provided when needed, and arguments are never made to attack straw-men.


A great blog for reading about current happenings in the debate, Jason Rosenhouse provides good commentary on relevant news items. As Rosenhouse is an ardent defender of evolution, reading the blog gives a better sense of how a general scientist would view the debate; in addition to commentary on news of the debate, Rosenhouse reviews relevant books and keeps readers updated on biological happenings. I recommend this site for keeping up with the actual issue and staying relevant, it’s hardly technical to the point of incomprehensibility; on the contrary, it’s usually a rather entertaining blog to follow.

Answers in Genesis
I think that evaluation of both sides of this debate is of importance: that’s why I’m recommending the home site run by Answers in Genesis, one of the biggest creationist groups out there. An excellent directory of creationist claims and attacks on evolution from their point of view, I challenge the reader to research their claims and compare the arguments presented here with arguments presented in the TalkOrigins archive; I think that research on the subject is critical to understanding its importance.

Understanding Evolution: History, Theory, Evidence, and Implications

As what would probably be classified as an essay, this is a rather long read. But it’s definitely worth checking out; R.G. Price writes on the history of evolutionary thought, the initial reactions against Darwin’s theories, how mythological creation stories inform creationism, and more. A comprehensive essay in every sense of the word, valuable insight on evolution can be gained from reading this, especially in regards to its historical origins. As this essay demonstrates, evolutionary thought goes back much farther than Darwin.

PBS on Evolution

In addition to TalkOrigins, PBS’ site on evolution is a fantastic, comprehensive resource on the subject; however, what separates PBS from TalkOrigins is their reliance on video. So while many of the same ideas are communicated, PBS happens to present a multitude of informational videos via a very intuitive interface split between the different areas of inquiry concerning evolution, from Darwin himself to the role of mating in evolution.

In the same vein as Answers in Genesis, this site serves to defend intelligent design. Once again, I provide this site not to give it any sort of veracity; I simply believe that one must learn about the different positions in the debate in order to have significant insight on it. And as intelligent design is merely a more nuanced position of creationism, it’s worth it to check out what “design proponents” have to say so that sufficient research can be done on their claims.

The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online
Exactly what it says on the tin; a collection of all of Darwin’s works, including his seminal book, On the Origin of Species. I don’t expect anyone to rush to read all of his various essays and books on evolution, but looking at the original work from which modern evolutionary theory has sprung definitely places the importance of Darwin’s ideas in context, and it is precisely for that reason that I recommend this site.

UMKC School of Law Scopes Trial Site

Not too easy on the eyes, but this site does an excellent job of explaining, reviewing, and analyzing the infamous Scopes Trial. It’s a very comprehensive site, and has a wealth of information about the trial; in addition to excerpts from the manuscript of the trial, it includes accounts of the trial from H.L. Mencken and others, biographies, and even the original textbook which John Scopes taught evolution from. I’ve already discussed how important it is to understand Scopes, and in doing so this site is invaluable.

BibleGateway: Genesis 1-2
For my final link, I’d like to refer to the book of Genesis, chapters one and two; the book itself is obviously not site-specific, but the actual website is irrelevant; one must read the biblical account of creation given in Genesis in order to have a good understanding of the creationist position; this is what they base their beliefs on the origin of species on, and the entirety of the creation process is covered in these two chapters, from the creation of the cosmos to the creation of Eve from Adam’s rib. BibleGateway serves only the purpose of providing the original King James text, so it’s really the first two chapters of Genesis that I find important here.

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